T. Dutch, 31
"So this 'friendly' guy at the National museum warned me that the Grand Palace I was heading for was closed today at 3. Yeah, what a coincidence! So he was nice enough to literaly throw me in a tuktuk and get me towards this other budha (and a tourist information office and a tailor). When I got back to the guesthouse I read in my travelguide about this well known friendly-guy-telling-you-things-are-closed-scam..."
K. Irish, 28
"My luggage got lost at the airport, and I never pray for anything. But now I went to the grand temple to pray for my luggage to get back safely. When I left the temple I discovered that my brand new, custom-made, yellow Nike's had been stolen. And I wasn't even at the grand temple...."
T. German, 22
"I didn't even like Vietnam, but being tricked into a gambling scheme and losing 2500 dollars didn't help..."
NN. German, ?
"On one of my first travels I didn't lock my backpack properly and when I got to the guesthouse I noticed that someone had gone through my stuff. Luckily I hadn't left anything in there, but it's well known that things get stolen on the nightbus."
T. Dutch, 31
"I had just been warned that things get stolen on the nightbus. But when I got to the guesthouse I noticed that someone had gone through my not properly closed backpack. Unfortunately I had left some money in there and I lost 4000 Baht."
I. English, 47
"So I had this tuktuk-driver that was supposed to wait for me till I was done visiting this temple. I had made the mistake of paying him in advance and when I came back, he was gone. And so had the tuktuk."
B. English, 19
"In India I got pressured into buying this silk top, that was way over budget. But tuktuk-drivers can be very persuasive..."
T. Dutch, 31
"I thought I got a good deal buying two tv-series on dvd on the Chatachuk weekendmarket. When I got home, E4's 'skins' turned out to be 'Desperate Housewives season 6' and only works on my laptop. And the other one? Well, let's say that Simon Walker of 'the Mentalist' is just as handsome in black&white..."
Please feel free to add your (or others) mistakes in the commentsection below. My next blog will be written from home, see you soon!
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