I have to be honest, 2009 really wasn't that bad for me. It was pretty average, I've loved some, and I've lost some. I saw a reasonable amount of good films (Bronson, 500 days of summer) and some crappy ones (attempted David Lynch's Lost Highway again). Discovered new musicians, some of which aren't that old (Jason Mraz, Elbow, Kyteman, the Smiths). Saw old friends (Anastasia) and met new friends (buurman Sander).
But, this wouldn't be a proper blog if I didn't have something to bitch about.
So here are the things I decided to leave behind in 2009. I burned them.

Number one is bad behaviour from guys towards me. That means: lying to me (about age, other girlfriends...) or not wanting to get to know me better (that didn't get him very far). Although, I could miss their nonsense, they do make good stories, but none of them are appropriate to share on a public blog.
Next on that list is overmeddling ex-girlfriends. Well, one in particular. If you're not sleeping with him, you have no business telling him what to do and who with... Of course the spineless dude attached to this fine example of a she-devil also stays behind in 2009 (see the first point on this list).
Number 3 is catalogue store Wehkamp. It's been four months and I'm still waiting for my special edition Fight Club dvd. They have sent me the alternative I suggested, unfortunately they also billed me for it. Apparently the concept of customer-service is too much to take in. So, forget them, they lost me for a client.
Then, four, on a more personal notice; I from now on refuse to feel guilty for not calling my grandmother as often as she would like. She ruined that when she gave me a box of chocolates way past it's expiration date and already opened saltine crackers for Christmas.
5. The compulsory finishing of books. You know the feeling, you're reading it, but are slightly dissapointed. You know it's a 'must read', but you feel like the 400 pages in front of you are not only wasting your time, but also keeping you from reading a book that is worth the effort. If it sucks, it sucks. So put the book down, it will not get any better, so who cares how it ends?
Another thing that gets left behind in 2009 is crappy volunteerjobs. I really don't mind volunteering. As a matter of fact I think it's a good (cheap) way to attend festivals, what's more, be a part of it. But, being stuck in a mouldy tent on a rainy campsite, or breaking down 80 army-beds from a dormitory and stuffing disgusting duvets in a binbag is not my idea of having fun. Neither is welcoming other volunteers with a large wooden sign on an island with wind power 8 nor scanning paper tickets in the pouring rain. In those cases, it's just not worth it.
(looking forward to volunteering at IFFR though!)

Now the last one (bare with me, I'm almost done) isn't really for me, but for my friend. I dedicate a bloody bonfire to the roast of B. He needs to get his beardy behind out of my superhero-best-friends head. There is no need for him to join us in 2010, he's not worthy of her awesomeness. That's all I'm saying.